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Nazri rejects anti-hopping law, suggests party-list system
Anti-Party Hopping Laws vs Recall elections | #ExpertOpinion
#KiniNews: Harapan open to discussing MOU2 0 if anti hopping law passed, says Loke
There's no need to rush anti-hopping law, says Hadi
'Saboteurs behind delay?' - Zahid questions reason for delay of anti-hopping bill
The enactment of anti-hopping bill to stop politicians from switching parties still a waiting game
The Anti-Hopping Law Will Change Malaysian Politics I Road To GE EP2 I Dashran, YB Azalina Othman
Isn’t it ironic: ‘Party-hoppers’ debating anti-hopping law, says Bung
Azalina: Instability if states reject anti-hopping law
Harapan willing to discuss MOU extension if anti hopping law passed, says Loke
Forming coalitions after election not ‘hopping’, says Dr Mahathir
‘Weak’ govt provides opportunity to pass anti-hopping law, says PKR man